SST(Sweet Spot Training)が最近はやり.
OPに対する#12のコメント(by coggan)が面白いかな.

Originally Posted by NM87710 I may have an opportunity to train 15-20hrs/wk next season so I'm wondering how the extra time might help me(if any) vs. a "compacted SST model" of 10 hrs/wk. Sooooo, if you had 15-20 "free-time' hrs available what training would you do?? 1) Bet The Farm on SST: focused SST effort 10 hours week(building CTL), eliminate L2 junk miles, rest 2) Stick One Toe in the SST Pool: Use a SST model as above, add more L2 for a total of 15-20hrs and BIG CTL. 3) Not So Fast I'm Old Skool: Use 20hrs/wk to build a tradition 8-12week "base" then start adding L3/L4/L5? 4) Others? |
I'd take option #2, realizing that this will result in one of three things:
1) a clear improvement in performance ability,
2) no improvement in performance ability, or
3) a reduction in performance ability.
If the outcome is #1, fantastic, but even if the outcome is #2 or #3, you'll still benefit by learning more about your own personal optimal training load, specifically how much you can handle before you either plateau or break down. Note, however, that this is based on the assumption that you're in the sport for the long haul, and can afford to have a poor season if it results in better results down the road. Next year is not an Olympic year, though, so if you're going to roll the dice now's the time to do don't want to employ an experimental training approach in 2008. (I'm really only half-joking here, as this is how the elite coaches and athletes think, and even if you're not aspiring to race at that level, it's still worth mentioning because it emphasizes the importance of long-term planning.)
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