


RE: [Wattage] thoughts on level 5 intervals
2006/09/29 9:26

--- mike hebe wrote:

> I feel that more emphasis for mass-start
> racers needs to be
> shifted away from FTP and more towards level six training
> and racing. I
> agree that one must have the engine, but the determining
> factor of mass
> start success is how your body can withstand all of the
> change of pace.

The most important determining factor for "how your body
can withstand all of the change of pace" is . . . FTP.

This discussion is somewhat up-in-the-air unless you
specify how much more L6 work you think needs to be done
(and I agree that there must be an adequate amount), but I
think Arthur Lydiard got things right when he said that AWC
can be developed fully in 3-4 weeks of workouts 2-3 times
per week, after you've maxed out your aerobic development:

-- see p. 2 ff.

And ponder this:


when three 30 second all-out efforts were performed with 4
minutes rest in between, by the 3rd rep, 63% of the energy
demand was met *aerobically*.


下のリンクの図をここに引用する.スプリント中には①乳酸解糖系,②PCr系,③有酸素系の3つの系から筋肉へのエネルギー供給が行われる.30秒もがき/4分レストを3回繰り返すと,全体にパワーが落ちていくのは無論のこと,3回目では殆ど③からエネルギーが供給されていることが分かる.山岳レースや,加減速を繰り返すクリテリウムなどのゴールスプリントでは,もはやスプリントとはいっても有酸素能力が支配しているらしい.ボーネン,フレイレ,ベッティーニあたりのワンデーの強さは,(生まれ持った)そこそこのスプリント力 + 高レベルの有酸素能力に由来するということかな?

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