
FTP and Vo2Max contd.

From a practical perspective, what I would suggest is that if 1) somebody's functional threshold power is four or more rows above their 5 min power, OR 2) they've been focussing on raising their functional threshold power for an extended period and have stopped making progress, then this might be an indication that their bumping up against their upper limit, and it's time to focus on raising the ceiling (i.e., VO2max). OTOH, you also need to keep competition goals/event specificity in mind as well - for example, somebody going after the hour record may want to still keep pounding away trying to raise functional threshold power, because even a small percentage gain could be critical to them.
5 min power (5MP)というのは、Vo2Max(とAWC)をまあまあ反映する一つの指標である。Coggan(筆者もそう)のようにAWCが低いタイプの選手は、100% Vo2Maxに相当するパワーを5分程度維持できる。AWCが高い(i.e., スプリンター型)選手はこれが110%くらいになると書いてあった。

Power Profile ChartでFTPが5MPの4行上というと、FTPが5MPの92~93%に到達しているということになる。ホンモノのTTerはそんな感じなのであろう。



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